You're making fun of right-wingers by pretending to be one, aren't you? Has to be.
You are embarrassing yourself more than usual.
Brilliant. I'm sure if DeSantis's lawyers use this defense in Disney's lawsuit against him it will work out just great for DeSantis.
He's a true believer, another radicalized right-winger.
Thanks, nice of you to say.
Texas is still redder than Florida.
No, because California once passed legislation that affects all corporations in California so that makes it ok for DeSantis to punish Disney for...
But that takes us back to your original whine, "When all else fails. Ad hominem baby.", after G8trGr8t observed of you that "your opinions are...
No, you're right. It's just an observation. ;)
Ok then, I think it's very possible that you are a moron. That's not an insult. It's just a possibility based on all of your postings here.
In the previous thread I was addressing the post, calling the post dumb. In this thread you are addressing the poster, calling him either a moron...
Yeah that makes it so it isn't an insult. :rolleyes:
Yeah but when I called some of your posts 'dumb' recently you sure did think it was an insult. That was an observation. I called your posts...
Coming from a guy who just called another poster a moron. I honestly don't know why you're still allowed to post here.
Then why did you disagree with it (with a 'sigh')?
I haven't defended anyone. I've only engaged with you on this debate and on a narrow point. That if profits increased by a higher percentage...
That's all you had to say.
If total energy profits increased by more than the price of energy increased, then yes, increased profits were part of the increased price inflation.
We've had this chart, or charts like it, up here numerous times over the last number of years. It shows a huge positive swing amongst Republicans...
Yeah I was just commenting on your poor logic skills. But your numbers just make my point. Dems are less prone to think that the economy is...