Lighten up. He was a pretty good player at San Fran and now wants to be here.
A two-way player? Plays both offense AND defense? What has the NBA come to?
I like Mike. He's a nice guy. I hope UGA gets wiped out by an asteroid.
Okay, good to know.
Yup. The game is cyclical. Once, the game used to get bigger and bigger. But in doing so, it was simultaneously getting slower, so some coaches...
Reminds me of a funny science fiction short story I read many decades ago. Can't remember the title or the author. Anyway, it's about major league...
That doesn't require a link; the Pigpen is just offering a perspective. I tend to agree with his (or her or their, I dunno) assessment.
Since the Stormin' Norman Sloan era, I've felt that the Gators could be a consistent NCAAT team even if they just got the top 3 or 4 players from...
Put me down for 40-0.
Yep. I'm not saying Haugh will someday be SECPOY, but he's got the potential to be a really really good 'un.
Rishwain Rehabbed, Rejuvenated, Ready to Go - Florida Gators
I agree, but I think he may be farther along than Chandler was as a freshman. CP got better every year, but he was kind of frail at the start....
Actually, I just found some good info about the scrimmage on another site. Skip down past the older article on the top and you'll find CTG talking...
Since there was so little info released about the scrimmage, it's hard to speculate. But I'll give it a shot. 1--Zyon Pullin, 25 minutes 2--Walter...
Well, Chrissie went back there but she said it was gone, replaced by shopping malls. Muzak filled the air.
Watching the clips and reading that young Mr. Haugh was on the floor during crunch time for the Gators makes me think he's progressing faster and...
Yep. We didn't shoot particularly well and still beat a team that is ranked 13th, went to the Final Four last season, and was playing on their own...
Yeah, in the secret scrimmage (or "scrum" in Aussie footy), he's highlighted just once. I was referring to him overall from other clips I've seen...
That whetted my appetite, now I'm hungry for more.
Love the great move by Condon under the hoop for 2.