Will the book burnings be at the start or at the end of the convention?
Why would they start now? Boyaz will be boyaz
Both, they are not mutually exclusive. Unless you've been under a rock since 2015, your orange hero's schtick is grievance, victimhood, how he and...
Gun owner but not in the nra.
Practice your faith as you see fit. No one is stopping you. Not everyone believes as you do. Come to terms with that.
Nothing creepy about this at all :eek:
Interesting when the standard bearer of the gop is the biggest snowflake on the planet.
Finally an honest response from you: " no" you never tire of being a victim. That speaks volumes.
Please don't presume to tell me what I can and cannot do. BTW, I'm not even a registered democrat.
" engagement" indeed:rolleyes:
Don't you ever tire of being a perpetual victim?
no worries, they'll get a pardon and a photo/video op from their orange god if Trump wins in November.
speak in tongues much? you sure type like it
Just think of it as pre-coronation. They will trot out all their greatest hits about how victimized they all are, assign blame to all the "...
There is a difference between engagement and ass kissing.
Soviet Union: a one party system, totalitarian rule. If the US were a carbon copy of that there would be no GOP and posters like you would be in...
thoughts and prayers
and the medical staff that participated
and you won't get hauled off to the gulag for daring to criticize Biden. Other than that, virtually identical. Genius observation by the author of...
Meaning Handmaid's Tale is no longer a work of fiction. Good times.