So when will the house gop call for a special prosecutor to go after Cheatle?
He won't last long if they throw him in gen pop ( if convicted).
No wonder the gop loves Orban so much.
I suppose one take is she can't run for re election in 2028, plus they will do whatever they can to make the remaining 5 months as difficult as...
She's a woman of color. Can't be having any of that!
She's from California.
over under on how much time goes by before the talking points start getting parroted here?
So the issue isn't the deed, it's the competence of the person carrying it out.
There is a portion of the maga base that would be fine with putting those who disagree with them into camps or deporting them entirely. Just...
maga ammosexual fantasies of a civil war where they hunt down and kill all the " libbies". These idiots replicate and they vote. Will they do this...
Unless you're a hardcore election denier, Biden kept Trump to being a one term potus ( unless he wins it again in November)
If they lost their minds at the prospect of the first black potus, a Harris admin would put them in straightjackets, foaming at the mouth as they...
That takes the case as one of the most vapid arguments I have ever seen. Is that spelled out in the constitution as one of the criteria for potus?
So if Pence had done Trump's bidding and refused to certify in order that the fake electors could be put into place, therefore keeping Trump in...
That only applies to elementary schools, stores, movie theatres, parades, churches, concerts etc.
Keep pissing on us and telling us it's raining. :rolleyes:
Yep, the same folks who bitch about government over reach. Getting summarily executed by a cop is definitely government over reach. Carry on.
Silly goose! That only applies if a republican will benefit from it.
Not going to happen. De facto immunity for one thing.