"Approved orthodoxy". WTF does that even mean? What does that make you? Rabble rouser?
Even less respect when you know their opinion would be 180* the other way if their guy was POTUS.
Yeah, but you're parroting stuff I only see on clips from right-wing PR outlets (FOX, etc.) and from MAGA. Every independent source tells a...
I think that's where most of "the number" comes from. In terms of direct cash, it's not that much. The other thing I never thought about was...
We really don't though. Energy production has never been higher. We still have the best agricultural land and production in the world. More fresh...
Lastly, the whole point of this is making sure it stays there and doesn't leak to NATO borders. Because, as we clearly see here, he's not going to...
Not going down this road again with someone who only takes that position because of the person sitting in the oval office. Exact same...
Nobody is celebrating (although I am needling our FSB friend), just pointing out facts. Are you one of the Code Pink Republicans who see Putin as...
Sure dude, whatever you say. Tic Tock . . .
I don't have beard, but agree with him 100% on this. Oh well, have fun withering on the vine.
Nope, but I do hope they start their "revolution" and get what's coming to them. I'm more of a Bush I/John Bolton guy. Those are your people, not...
It's not "MY" city, it's Ukraine's city and you still lost thousands to gain a few hundred yards. . . even though you "weren't trying to take it"....
Yeah, sure they are. They're effectively halted. Kharkiv would be a perfect example of this. Your loser buddies got a few hundred yards for...
You knew it wouldn't be Rubio. Too closely tied to sane conservatives (Bushs) and would be right with that liberal commie Mike Pence when it came...
Cool story bro!
Nobody wants to defeat Russia in its backyard, we just want Russia to STAY THERE! It's simply not worth it. Just wait them out and buy resources...
We're never committing troops there, nor will we have to. Just halt the lines (which has been accomplished) and let them bleed out their last...
Look at the population pyramid. China, Japan, N. Korea are worse, but you're right there with the Germans. Enjoy your last hurrah! The Turks will...
I'm not galled. It's hilarious. I consider myself lucky to witness the last decades of Russia as a meaningful presence in the world. You've got...
I thought the KGB (now FSB BTW) were the good guys? You know, Russia good. America bad. Mean 'ole NATO. Putin (and his FSB cronies) as the victim?...