How old are you? Five? Carter tried to rescue them, but the mission failed. Reagan "got them out" because the Mullahs are morons and wanted to...
Let's also not forget the mining. Millions? Do you really want that mess back?
Somewhat, and I think this is even more true with Crimea (strategic issues not withstanding). However, I think you are overstating a bit the...
We don't need the oil anymore. So, why are we there? End Times nonsense?
I want to abandon the entire region. So, yes. The Israelis are big boys who've shown they can more than take care of themselves. Who hurts when...
I wouldn't waste a single second even addressing this ludicrous point. Instead, let them run with what may be the lamest and most contrived angle...
What's Israel's genius plan? For that matter, how many are even still alive? Sounds like a Hamas/Israel problem that I don't really care about at...
Because they were told to. It literally goes no further than that intellectually.
You have to be on some "really good shit" to believe that either party is Anti-Israel.
Yeah, and sometimes you just need to cull the herd of diseased cattle lest the disease spread to the rest of the herd.
I love it!!!! Bring it on. Waiting for my Napoleon unleashing grapeshot on the Rabble-rousing Revolutionaries moment.
This is pretty much what got the aid package through. Even Johnson had to admit this. It was getting so bad that he (and even Trump) realized that...
Or it would be comparable. I will say though, that I never saw Reagan look as lost as Biden did at times. I don't know if he is or isn't actually...
Doesn't matter now.
It's actually not. Not much better, but better nonetheless. And that's from old polls taken before Biden dropped out. We'll have to wait and see...
I'm not Trump fan, but that was a different era. I lived through that and whether is was management by his executive team or just the lack of...
This angle is so weak and such a reach. I hope you guys ride this nag of a horse into the dirt.
IDK. That feels like a good tradeoff. If Ukraine truly wants to pivot to the EU and NATO, there are going to be tradeoffs (especially when...
Less about Z than the pulse of the American electorate. If they ultimately support Ukraine, so will he. The guy has no principals. Even the evil...
It's already game on. The entire dynamic of the election has flipped. Up to this point, the central issue of both campaigns was Biden's age....