You're getting that because you like it and clearly watch it. Sort of like all those Democrats who kept Rush Limbaugh at the top of the ratings....
Post Civil War perhaps? I agree. It's so entrenched it would take someone literally taking a sledgehammer to the entire system. BUT, that IS the...
You tell 'em Comrade!!!
What's it going to do about the revolving door to lobbying jobs? That's as much - if not a bigger issue than campaign contributions.
Feel better now that you got that unhinged nonsense off your chest? Meanwhile. . . parrots Chomsky whenever he discusses Ukraine, NATO, etc. or...
Everyone will nod their head. . . . then go back to arguing about subjective social issues. THIS is the problem. Complacency and willful ignorance.
Not to mention, it just further empowers the real problem: Lobbyists and pay-to-play. Until we change these stats, nothing changes:...
So sad that we can't just trust voters on this. Or USSC judges not to just be open shills and have no respect for the position.
Finally. We're on the same page ;)
Mostly because she's sketchy. I hate Trump, but still wouldn't take back my vote for him in 2016 (though I'm not as strong on that post Ukraine)....
I love it. We sit here and whine about single points when the rest of the world is at 8-100%. Yeah, this is totally a domestic issue. LOL!
Obviously we won't "let them go". Too many defense and tech connections and relationships there. But what we can do is send a strong message to...
I'm with you. Time to declare war on the rabble rousers in general.
I forget if it was Al Jazeera or Frontline, but there was an excellent documentary on the Mossad/AIPAC response to it. Basically, the former was...
Go look up Power of Siberia and who has to pay for it, while still selling the energy at a discount. So much winning it hurts!
What a weird tangent. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
There you go. Free market solution. Happening all around us. So why are we crying again?
Are you suggesting the government ban privately organized events like this for no other reason than they allowed participation by people who...
They're our adversaries for a reason. And it's not because they have good intentions for the American people. But yeah, keep serving their...
You're the one who took the bait. . .