A leather helmet home game when 2 bits could still buy a shave and a haircut.
Fix the GD defense!
He might have wanted to hire someone and couldn't or the right guy was not available. But he's probably smart enough to know he has to fix the...
I am a AI you fuel.
Indeed. nice post. These days I simply long for days before smart phones and social media.
Ignoring idiots in modern America is nearly a full time job.
Score more than the other guy. No team should have more points in the paint than us so there's a clue.
The cocks were stiff in Athens. They play hard.
Gators can chomp as much as they want. No penalties. Heart wasn't an issue yesterday.
Kugel ever smile?
Hump is fun.
But not flat.
A bit ragged. If they shoot so bad why lett them in the paint?
Zion the Lion beyond a shadow of a doubt. If he started from game one we'd probably be in top 10. Still mystified why he didn't start from game...
I had him for Diff EQ. I went to his office to ask about an exercise and found he had the whole book memorized. He opened it to the right page,...
Don't worry it'll all be agents and contracts soon enough and we'll look back and laugh at bags, NIL shenanigans and the NCAA.
It's how I roll.
UF 84 Miss Rev's boyfriends 70 MVG Pullin SOG 4
Need to bail him out for practice.
Professional CFB League formation committee.