I guess I could look it up but it’s not a big deal. Trump would send out fifty tweets a day. Biden’s staff will send out fifty tweets a year maybe?
Goodness gracious we can tell determining cause and effect isn’t one of your skills.
One of my favorite things about Biden is he doesn’t attack us with an endless stream of vile. Did you read Biden’s last tweet? Neither did I....
I always have liked Levi’s button fly straight leg jeans. I am in style maybe one year out of twenty. lol
It’s not perfect but I kind like this deal. It’s amazing what adults can hammer out when motivated.
I suspect they already are in a protected class by being mentally challenged.
In the distant past Al Gores wife wanted to put warning labels on music and restrict the ages of people who could buy certain albums. Tipper Gore...
Well because the district is no longer controlled by those involved in the district. Our tiny governor controls it. Did he put in experts who knew...
Tv news is always if it bleeds it leads. It tends to usually exaggerate weather possibilities. I don’t consider tv weather reports to be...
It’s Medicaid not Medicare there is a difference.
That Desantis is a good candidate?? I believe you honestly think this but reason and intelligence is a harder ask.
I remember the fear of Japan surpassing the American economy. Crichton wrote a book and it became a movie. Rising Sun was its name maybe. China...
I renewed my card this week. It had expired early on during Covid and I just went without.
Perhaps introspection would be a better use of your time?
Do you have the ability to understand and choose not to? Or do you lack the ability to comprehend things?
Their mistresses or their wives that they beat? I don’t believe all cops are violent thugs but they aren’t all choir boys either.
Taking children to church is indoctrination. I had a friend at lake Brantley a million years ago who went away for a weekend with young life. He...
The ACLU once defended the kkks right to march in Skokie IL
I hope she found true happiness in Switzerland. She ha a rather rough start in adulthood.
Shrinkage? Can’t remember the exact Seinfeld quote.