Perhaps but competition is the answer to every economic issue. Well almost every issue.
In DeLand they are typically on upn or wb or whatever the network is called now. Channel 18
Gas prices are high now because the oil companies own the refineries. The refinery margining are double or triple what they have historically...
Scottish are manly men? Maybe not the best place for a joke.
This is satire, right. It’s hard to tell these days.
I don’t think Russians care about captured Russians. They kind of have a Trumpist attitude.
I have been wondering this myself. My guess is they will try to weaken it so those fleeing can’t take that much stuff with them.
Do you actually believe this nonsense? Russia is imploding as I type. I think what you are suggesting is as likely as it coming out that zelensky...
You mean people in Florida don’t like that the state picks fights with a large employer and then passes laws that the majority of the people...
She was a beautiful woman not sure her elevator stopped at every floor.
My father was a man who believed a story being good was more important than it being truthful. My grandfather was a butcher who ended up being the...
People who lack a basic understanding of science? Many religions have different ages when the world was created. Anybody who believes genesis 1...
So someone who can’t read for comprehension thought it mocked Christians?
On another thread I said I don’t care what food people believe and f they serve good food. I am still a fan of Elon he has revolutionized space...
There shouldn’t be teams about the economy. More people working is always good news. I am wondering if the average work week is declining. That I...
Post the picture. The answers should be amusing if not accurate.
City and swamp babe handled the humor on this thread. lol
I am reminded of rush Limbaugh. He was a moderate maybe slightly left failed sports caster who found a schtick that worked. Over the years he...
There are minors having surgery. What I don’t know about is people manipulating kids into this surgery. I am uncomfortable about minors having...
I am thinking the percentages in the senate will be about the same. Some fringey not liking it. I really don’t like the bone that manchin got for...