Your company was paying probably 4 times that.
I think we need death panels but they should be televised. Now that is compelling viewing.
Weird I would think that a rational person would think that maybe they were wrong but to each their own
Are you serious.
That is funny but perhaps not productive
I honestly am not sure I agree with it either. The fear of this late stage demographic transition is that the rich countries would stop...
Well old thinking is that a growing population is needed for economic growth. With the advances in ai and robotics this may no longer be the case....
The son of the great Ravens linebacker is dead at the age of 28. No cause of death has been released. I just reread about the fight his friends...
That and birth control are part of the issue. Educated women is also a problem. The more educated women are the less children they have. So maybe...
I guess I should have read it. lol. Doesn’t change much. I doubt colleges are going to want to risk players being hurt by something they aren’t in...
Those aren’t seniors those are graduates(hopefully). The summer after finishing eligibility the kids should be enrolled in college. To get ready...
That creep was a child molester. Would the story be any better or worse if the child in the story was a little girl?
Yes they should remain in the closet where they belong!! How does it feel being wrong all the time?
come on there is no reason to think orange and bluke is gay.
The answer has been in front of you all this time. lol
There is only one club reality. Heaven and hell are theoretical nonsense.
I would pardon trump after an admission that trump had done wrong and an iron clad guarantee he was done with running. Hunter I think he has to...
Supreme Court Justice if trump wins reelection?
It was competent handling of the economy. Last 3 years with the pandemic was strange but it looks like we are going to exit it fairly well.