Not at all. I think many people would totally accept airplanes and busses that were pre-registered, and had a signature check and database. You...
Weird to see a Trumppublican present the same gibberish and lies about the nearly non-existent voter fraud in this country.... .......and get...
Please don't omit that he enacted a criminal conspiracy to overturn an election. Wouldn't want to sell your criminal short.
Quotes the bible. Votes for a sexual predator.
Which strangely almost never happens. Except by Republicans.
Sir, I agree with you 100%. But as I see your argument with a poster I have banned, I have a wondering : why are you attempting to have an honest...
It seems like an accurate interpretation of your post to say that you will vote for a sexual predator and convicted felon who tried to criminally...
Also drive-by negging. All posters guilty of drive-by negging are booted. What a wonderful thing your wager vould bring.
^ Trumpism. Which equals "F the common good, just take by whatever means possible." Trumps shitty legacy on our country. The only way in...
You sure do write a justify voting for a convicted felon, who both admitted and was adjudicated guilty of sexual abuse, and who enacted...
Are you Trumpies switching up from cancel culture to lawfare? Cool.
I, for one, find it way more convenient to fill out a form and put it in the mail, as opposed to driving somewhere, standing in line, doing the...
You have to cite some evidence of this, which will contradict the ample evidence to the contrary.... ......or else you are just expressing an...
If these apprehended suspects had attacked police in support of a criminal conspiracy by Donald Trump to overturn an election.... .....OP and...
So what you're saying is that people who attack police deserve to be shot? Elaborate on the picture below, please....or are you just a...
Are they still eating the dogs and cats in Ohio?
I'm not sure about believing this just at face value. I'd wonder if there were any other women who told similar stories about Donald Trump...
Weird how the people with Russian bots posting all over the place to support their traitor are now calling everybody else.....bots.
You shouldn't care about an, as yet, hypothetical. But you Trump voters should care a whole hell of a lot about voting for a guy who is a...
Nobody ever "covered for Hamas" you traitor supporting traitor. Now go back to covering for criminals and rapists.