I wonder if the sudden increase in violence at polling stations is caused at all by Trump telling all his lies about fake election fraud, and...
Harris didn't do anything? Very cool. I can't seem to avoid hearing that she was responsible for everything because Biden's a senile figurehead....
No, usually any reporting on crimes by Trump, or tolerance of them by his supporters, is simply documenting the facts. He is, after all, a...
This woman tried to claim to be a whistle blower testing the system, then to have autism. She got a $3,000 fine, probation and community service....
Serious question; regarding the serial adulterer, pornstar-banging, thrice married, adjudicated and admitted sexual assaulter who you are very...
And it's actually even worse; many of the working middle class has decent or good coverage provided by an employer-based plan.....but the rest are...
Just MAGA being MAGA : testing out what crimes they can get away with, encouraging others to crime, maybe ganking a little social media grift in...
Lol. Trump's not qualified to be dog catcher. Since when does adultery, lying, stealing, bankrupting businesses, and raping chicks qualify...
Lots of people hate rape, crime, colluding in an election with another country, stealing and trying to keep classified documents, criminally...
I have to wonder if this is motivated in some degree by Trump telling his hate meeting rally attendees to be violent towards protesters?
I've started to think that Benton doesn't like my posts.* * Not from his cerebral rebuttals, but from his mouse-clicks on 'disagree'. :)
There is a different, perfectly valid appraoch. 1. I like that she isn't an adjudicated sexual assaulter. 2. I like that she isn't an admitted...
Totally sux. Those people aren't going to vote for Biden now. :sadface I'll try to talk to him though, let him know that voting for a...
In all fairness, Biden is commenting on people who are willing to vote someone for President of the United States who; - is a convicted felon,...
Spam up your own thread even more with another thoughtless meme? Magnificent. On second thought though, spam away. This thread is just for you...
Spam up your own thread with a thoughtless meme? Brilliant.
It's disappointing to see Trump "winning." Damaging America by crippling the media, that is. It seems like most major media outlets are, in one...