[ATTACH] LOLOLOL. It's Donald Trump?
True, but we have a really good idea to keep everybody safe; make it easy for almost anyone to have multiple and high-powered firearms, and...
That's a smart idea. Also, I can think of lots and lots of people who are trying to "ban guns."
Quit being such a victim. People are going to start weeping, because it's all so unfair..... .....not just to you, but to your billionaire...
Yeah, I hate rapists, criminals, un-American traitors, people who attack our country....and people who inject violence into our political process....
Just a colorful description.* * After all, political opponents should be put on trial. For.....well, what exactly for?
All time winner for Trumpsplaining. Many other people would call it irresponsible to the point of encouraging violence.
Today's Republican party - making it safer for kids everywhere; Measures used in previous years to screen people for weapons during the downtown...
We need to get over this.
We need to just judge him on what he really meant here, and ignore his tremendously long record of clearly inciting the violence we now see, that...
It CERTAINLY is, the way he said it. This statement alone pretty much demonstrates that he's unfit for office. Never mind that it's also a total...
Another interesting side note, is that after all the Trumpy excuse makers come in with their "He's just a really peaceful guy, expressing that he...
Trump said an insanely unacceptable thing: "Let's put her with a rifle standing there with 9 barrels shooting at her....." And you want to...
I'm very pleased to see that, although you excuse make for a Trump-inspired violent person committing minimally verbal assault on apparently...
Common sense is that a national politician shouldn't approvingly speak of a political opponent being shot in the face. It's not that difficult....
This is...umm....irresponsible and violent rhetoric that national political figures should not use. Hopefully your kids learn this. Also,...
Trumpies defending the calls for violence, right on cue.
You meant... "long been" difficult to see how any decent person could support Trump. It's beyond "deplorable" at this point. He should probably...
I wonder if Trump's unhinged calls for violence cause more election workers to be threatened... [Trump] Used violent rhetoric to go after...