On the very thread about your candidate publicly and approvingly talking about his main political opponent being shot in the face by 9 people with...
Nope. You lose. Take that show on the road, cuz you're not selling any of that crap in this house, mister. Only ONE side has leadership who...
Wait, what? Do I understand this correctly? - You are a business owner - You sometimes have difficulty meeting hiring goals - A significant...
Your point seems to make sense. But then, on the other hand, there are so many of these shootings so I guess media has to pick and choose? Maybe...
Trump supporters are what?
So this means that you'll be going with the guy who last night publicly blew a microphone?
LOL, hadn't seen this. It's actually shocking how veins of racism thread their way through (dominate?) his consciousness. Like how you see the...
The ability to deepthroat a mic is more important than character....and supercedes being a rapist?
As the other poster said; this thread is about your preferred candidate for POTUS publicly simulating felatio. Please stay on topic.
More untruths or more victimhood? You be the judge.
In this response, K Harris is responsible for the 2020 lockdowns and school closures that happened....during Trump's presidency. Etc, etc. Good...
My God, Trump is such a whiner. It's really just 4 minutes of crying about how his mic doesn't work. Why can't he ever be a "glass is half full"...
When you say "tell the whole story", are you referring to, say, Fox News broadcasting known outright lies about fake election fraud? Would the...
Wow, you deplorables sure are weak. Getting forced to do stuff by a bunch of weak, sexually ambiguous liberals. #SAD!
He was clearly in one of his many drug induced stupors, to have found that amusing. Also, you seriously allowed the words of that pill-popping...
I refrained from voicing my outrage, because even though the chains bit has some racist undertones, tbh things like the fat Trump balloon have...
Def. I'll give you an editable template for next time; Most here : "Man, it is totally unacceptable for Trump to suggest, on a national stage,...
Is there a short-cut key for "I'm crazy apolitical and super independent-thinking rasta guy! And you people are insufferable!"