I will be somewhat surprised if this isn’t handled swiftly. Either by the case being dismissed or by settlement. They don’t want to go through...
When did Heupel have a wildly successful run at UCF? He went 12-1 with Frost’s team, then went 10-3 followed by 6-4. This was also before they...
UF will be providing counsel for Billy though.
Dumb shit happens on all teams. We’re not the only team who’s had a kid throw a shoe, sent 10 or 12 kids out on special teams, have two guys on...
You must have missed his farewell letter to us.
Our number one, duh.
Mikey with the dinger. Lol. That’s this season in a nutshell.
I just noticed they’re using the safety bag.
Wonder if that will fix the broken record.
Ole Mac looks haggard. Mangy beard, big bags under his eyes.
We know they were using the sticky when we were in town.
Get a room :p
There won’t ever be any limits on this money, even if the players become employees and salaries are established. Contracts may help limit...
Not on that copy. Here’s the whole thing…. If this has been available the whole time, not sure why they’ve been sitting on it....
Did JJ really just say that LSU has had a great season?
They might be right below that line now.
Indeed, but the coach is still kind of stuck in limbo waiting for the final decisions.
The smaller schools are the majority. Strength in numbers.
I think you mean NDA