You're right river. One involves a conservative outlet in a defamation suit. The other involves a leftist outlet in a defamation suit. And as...
He agreed with my statement that you called a strawman and I would like an apology from you.
I only return the respect that I am given. :)
@pkaib01 You were saying? ajoseph, in response to:
If me and maybe half a dozen to a dozen conservative posters left, this entire forum would be one side of a conversation.
Ohh... So you want me to prove a standard for lying for MSNBC that hasn't been proven for Fox. That doesn't seem reasonable.
Ignore button is right there, buddy.
You tell me. You know what you did, don't pull a Hillary and play dumb.
So it's the lying then, not the failure/refusal to return the documents.
Nice slight of hand moving of the goalposts here. Bravo.
So they have not settled a case for a billion dollars?
If we're going by the letter of the law, common law larceny all you need to do is move the stolen item an inch and you can be prosecuted. The rest...
Fine, don't toss the indictment, give him a fine with no prison time. Don't threaten your arch political rival with spending the rest of his life...
And I'm saying the DOJ can cover their ass if they're willing to give Trump an offer to drop the indictment the second he turns over the...
Apparently a Yale lawyer, former First Lady, former Secretary of State, and former favorite to be President of the United States is a bigger idiot...
Here's the right-wing propaganda over at Politifact. "Trump’s timeline is correct. The congressional subpoena came on March 4, 2015, and an...
What Fox News settlement was for a billion dollars?
Equal treatment paired with not prosecuting your political opponents for crimes you yourself are guilty of is not "making up the rules as I go...
I don't? How many emails did Clinton delete after receiving a Congressional subpoena?