A lot of people on both sides of the aisle don't seem to like the Presidential pardon power. I strongly disagree. The reason why the...
If nobody gets pardoned, and Trump goes to prison, there will be a cycle of every Presidency targeting its political opponents, and nobody in the...
I think it's a bandaid, but at least it's the best attempt at a "reset" regarding criminal justice that I can imagine. Once criminal justice...
I don't think he has a low IQ or anything like that, it's just his unrivaled arrogance dramatically inhibits his judgment, making him act like an...
I am done trying to educate you on these things. You lack the education, intellect and, most importantly, the temperament to learn.
Meh. The other agreed to an undisclosed amount for lying.
She gave the order to the attorney, and the attorney gave the order to somebody else.
You have the king of hippie cucks as your avatar. You're the last person who should be lecturing anybody on weak and pathetic.
Alright: Trump can't get it right on Clinton's email deletion "First, she gave the instruction to erase those messages in late 2014, before she...
Again, like Michael, I don't have evidence that she specifically directed her emails to be deleted. Also, on a completely unrelated note, I...
I don't have evidence that Michael directed those actions either. I don't think anyone should bother taking a look for that reason.
[MEDIA] Yep, and Michael doesn't kill anybody in this sequence.
Better than vindictive and petty.
I just demonstrated that I do.
Yes and Michael Corleone didn’t kill anybody.;)
(D) v. (R) [img]
Maybe I don't know what the terms of the Sandmann settlement were. But that was pretty scandalous.
Not the argument I was making.
Why that number particularly? Seems like you're tailoring the standard based on your argument, which is precisely the reverse of how standards...