Yep, I have come to believe that the media is simply an ugly reflection of America. It's a symptom not the disease. All of us, broadly speaking,...
In an ideal world, Biden would pardon Trump and Trump would pardon Hunter/Biden Family. That's our best bet with unity on this issue. Is it...
I have a lot of respect for that sort of mentality, but I think that's also a luxury for the side with the bulk of institutional influence and...
I meant if he's elected guys. Damn, I thought that was obvious, but you're the second poster who has interpreted my comments that way so maybe...
I wish all left-leaning posters were like you. I am not a fan of the Clinton fiasco in the 90s either. I think that was politically motivated as...
He was pretty busy with his own Department of Justice investigating him.
Yes. Not any more good for the country than when Trump did it, but yes.
We have a prosecutor in New York who campaigned on going after Trump who just indicted him. Yet most of Too Hot (and probably most Democrats)...
No, Trump didn't indict Hillary with charges threatening her to spend the rest of her life in prison.
He moved onto the next thing which would not be out of character. If the people around him were just planting the Hillary seeds 24/7, he...
And he didn't, which is a good thing.
You do know the idiom "turnabout is fair play" did not originate in elementary school?
Because he had reason to be concerned about the political implications and big picture implications of pursuing a criminal action by his own...
It would simply be turnabout, but that doesn't make it any less of a big picture problem.
Congressional hearings by politicians is not the same as Justice Department criminal indictments. One is inherently political, the other is...
Okay... all fair enough. Let's say Trump appoints an AG who happens to immediately appoint special counsel to investigate the Biden family.
If Trump is elected, reliable informants don't give law enforcement (the Department of Justice or the FBI) any authority to pursue an investigation?
Sounds a lot like the "I have a White friend defense."
Does anybody here see a problem with Trump wanting to appoint a special counsel to investigate the Biden family and if that leads to an indictment?
If they had it their way, their idea of blind justice is a President who hates Trump appointing an Attorney General who hates Trump who appointed...