They sent COVID patients to be housed with the most vulnerable. At that time they knew who was dying from the virus and who was most at risk....
Oh... okay. I'm sure the New York State Department of Health wouldn't cover for Cuomo because there was a threat to shut down the state gov't...
It spread like wildfire throughout nursing homes as well, except the death rates were real. The NYT reported in the end of June that 40% of all...
When you carry the big stick, you have allies. When you go around apologizing for whatever, you have fake allies. China is a scary beast.
and so many deaths being recorded as the chinese virus
I think the people that don't wear masks think they are not going to get sneezed on. If they do the virus can hit their eyes. If you're outside...
I am disgusted by people that cling to the media. Trump stopped the Chinese from entering the country and the leftist called him a racist and...
It's unfortunate you can't stand the guy that had our economy at all time high. He had unemployment rates at all time lows. I have as much...
Dr. Radio in Sirius 121 is a great listen. These dr.'s have been tough on the media, the democrats, the republicans and other countries...
silent voters that don't have to scream. you can see it with the signs in your neighborhood. polls are way off.
That's embarrassing bringing a Mother Jones link here.
I sat with a group of friends that don't like Trump last night. They were disgusted with the way the Dems handled the Kavanaugh deal. The way...
Data from where? What data are you following?
This entire post is ridiculous. She remembered nothing. The people she said were there denied it. It is a sham. It sounds like something...
Slip and fall. Who do you call?
You keep following the polls. How did that work for you in 2016? Who are the pollsters calling?
Many of the Pubs, the Libs and the independents watched Dr. Ford and believe something has happened to that woman. Whatever has happened to her...
This post is exactly why the midterms will be a disappointment for you. Your party showed their ass and it is gonna hurt at the polls. It is...
She is a victim of the Dems.
It's just another blow to the blue wave. The Dems play dirty, which is why Trump is so loved. He fights back and we have not had that for so long.