WTF are you blabbering about?
I would agree with you on 9th graders, would rather see it taught junior year. May be they figure they will do it before the dropouts begin. I...
Little over dramatic their city? Maybe you missed your calling as a tv meteorologist???
Thank you for the consideration but don’t worry. My mom could still handle someone like soho even at 89 years old. If he would have bothered to...
I’ve never been freaked out either, but I’m not in my 80’s. I have however, found myself thinking how full of shit they are on multiple occasions.
She did rack up the ratings, didn’t she?
Holy crap!!! I had no idea of the impact!!!!
I was referring to the daily reports. As a lifelong Floridian we have had summer thunderstorms most every day going back as far as anyone can...
I don’t think anyone should be harassed or threatened but anyone who cannot see the reporting of weather is overdramatized today is not paying...
I put the BMI into the same category as credit scores when it come to value and utility.
A fool and his money are soon parted!
Biden is a big P#$$y. Everyone knows it, but only his detractors will say it, so it can be described as political bickering. His foreign...
Should not be a surprise to anyone who actually watched Biden over the years vs. letting the media form your opinion. He’s always been a...
Our tax money hard at work!! Would rather see them spend a little more and just close scUM.
You’re really asking me if removing a tumor(benign or malignant) is healthcare? Now you’re going from ridiculous to sick.
This report has a bad smell to it. Must have been a damn large and mature two year old to hold and aim even a small 9MM. There’s just a lot of...
As if going to FSU hadn’t already made him a laughingstock!
You two get more ridiculous with each post.
I’m glad to see you say finally. Maybe you will give it up. You’re making shit up. Gender transformation is elective surgery and treatment....