I agree, but not holding my breath.
Between all of Covid spending, the other additional bills, the Biden giveaways and the Fed lowering rates and buying government securities between...
Very well said!!
GDP did not drop by 1.5 years worth. Nice try though
They’ve all been answered. You just don’t like those answers because they force you to face the facts that Biden’s (and Trump’s for that matter)...
I’m not mad that they cut it, that’s what’s Democrats do. I’m mad that they cut it while they were initiating a proxy war with Russia, then...
You’re right. You caught me. I don’t have 40 years in defense industry and don’t have many friends in DoD. None of that happened. I made it...
Good try, but as usual you are way off the mark. The Biden administrations foolish idea to cut defense spending and then provoke a proxy war will...
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] Looks like your boy was doing more than metaphorically kissing Vlad’s ass.
In 2021, the DoD informed the defense industry of coming cuts to the Acquisition budget. This after most companies had made significant...
I said the speech was good. What more do you want?
Speech was good. It’s just too bad that his performance on the job was not at the same level of performance.
Criticism of a totally incompetent JCS is not turning on the military.
I’m saying a prayer of thanks right now that you are not on the Fed BOG right now.
The oil companies aren’t screwing us, OPEC and our government policies are screwing us.
That is bullshit and you know it. City, You’re smarter than this. Really, this won’t hurt and it will cleanse your soul. Just say; “I was...
Uh, no one is saying it wasn’t (it was 2021, so it’s not news) good. What they are saying is that the entire economy was damaged and will take...
That is one of the most ridiculous and narrow minded posts ever on a board that is famous for ridiculous and narrow minded. Time to come clean;...
No need to. Bidenomics threw the majority of them under it in 2021.
Well I will go ahead and laugh because I would have to cry if I thought you really believed that horsecrap!