I guess the mods decided that they didn’t like 51’s reference to ethnic jokes and did PITBOSS a favor by deleting his totally false accusation of...
Probably not worth it to have to go to John Morgan’s “doctors”.
It’s been a number of years since I have had to deal with an insurance claim for a total. Is the insured still entitled to the Sales Tax added to...
Well Gus, I think that was the intention on the safety but the Carolina defenders got deeper into the end zone than I think Napier had planned or...
Because Beamer has more confidence in his Special Teams to deliver a miracle then he does Rattler. Again, their coach made the right call as well.
The shanked punt is a risk in both scenarios, but a higher risk in a long snap play than a free kick. There was no ideal scenario there. Coach...
That would depend on the other offers. If Meyer was recruiting them, then I’m sure several other great coaches would have been as well (Spurrier,...
Can’t support him for ROH. I’m fine with thanking him for the two Nats, but we all have to agree to some degree or another that there was little...
Birmingham that day was damn cold, and it was a damp cold. Plus it was Birmingham. Fortunately by then I had better cold weather clothing than I...
I was at that Iowa game and my tickets were on the NE side top row. In those days the top row was a metal bench with a chain link fence tied...
Question; Is UT catering the event from Meyers place in Columbus? I hear they have some really good Grinders there.
I dont care that he left us for another job. I care that he left the program broken. Of course Mullen bailed him out by leaving the program...
Absolutely. That game embodies Spurrier’s approach; Keep on playing and take advantage of your break when it comes.
Um, I’m not the one in hole. The state was within its rights and will with stand. Disney was run by morons. Hell, they had to go pay Iger an...
The multiple poster you refer to has the same opinion as you. You are really out of your league here. Probably best that you take another nap
Oh, you woke up. While you were sleeping Gatorlawyer wrote a nice post on this. You should read it and educate yourself.
I was agreeing with you. They revoked the privilege from all. Disney “just happened” to be the only company that was really benefitting from...
Exactly right. And since Disney was the only company currently enjoying that benefit it made it easy. Good corporate attorneys should have known...
Please put your ignorance aside and see third word of my post.
All of the examples that you state are in reference to laws and regulations that all live by. Disney had a massive special exemption to the laws...