Thanks TY! -saved a bunch of runs
Wow - he got a double out of that?
There goes the no-n0
Hey Wing - we got him out
trump himself for one. Applying for a loan: property worth X. The taxman comes ‘round property worth 1/3 X. Some folks are born silver spoon in...
The comments on X are a hoot. A sad hoot but funny insight into the unhinged in America
A butt whoopin'
Good inning by Philpot against the meat of their order
Thanks Blue - we need those
That was superlative
It was gonna be 2 weeks
Constitutional sheriffs believe themselves to be the law supreme in the county and that state and federal authorities are subservient to him. That...
The future is bleak
He had that base stolen just forgot to stop
The Sheriff in my county is a member of the Constitutional Sheriffs. It’s bothersome.
I do think the Russians including Putin fear the US and NATO far beyond the threat level we actually are.
Creativity can be encouraged and maybe elicited. Techniques, form and structure can be taught - maybe. I think
Oh, the things one can learn from our humble little site. Thanks Lacuna.
I’ve no strong argument with that. It may, however be trump’s intent but do what should be done and let the cookie crumble as it will.
A very good question. I think you have identified what his defense is likely to be - at least in part. If his lawyers can raise that question...