Will also take one in the neck. for the team
Nice play by Evans
It's a beautiful spring day 70 degrees, sunny, the birds are twittering and wildflowers are blooming and I'm watching this. Something wrong with me.
Here we are chasing runs from the git go. Again
Have I seen this before. Cause it sure seems like it.
And shouldn't we hear what each of the candidates would do to solve the baseball team's weak offense of late
4 hits and they win. Great Godfrey's cordials!
OK, just need a 2-run dinger from Cags
Here we are again. In the 9th chasing that 1 run. Hope the Gators can pull it out - again
Yep and when combined with what has been to this point weak hitting in the bottom of the lineup, the concurrent slumps at the top explain our...
Yep, but it didn't look like he wanted to make that throw - previous throw was wide and the 1B had to make a tag.
He's doing fine. Leave him in
could still happen
Should have gone to the robe earlier
Sully in postgame interview says the Gators got beat on FBs over the plate
Lead-off double would be nice edit: never mind
Knew 1 run wasn't going to beat us. Was worried about 2 though
14 left on base thru 7 for Mizzo . Yikes
Yeah, I would be worried if I was them. 12 left on and you know how it goes when you have multiple chances but let the other team hang in there.
His certainly did