I suspect there is already a sizable lobbying effort underway to prevent what you want from happening. As you said, it makes perfect sense to do...
Who gives a shit what this lady said? The chances of the GOP nominating a woman are 0.00000%. Not gonna happen. So why bother caring what she says?
The war of western aggression.
The trailer looks sooooo bad.
Brian Muraresku graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Brown University with a degree in Latin, Greek and Sanskrit. [MEDIA]
I liked the cinematography quite a bit. I was entertained but found the ending to be lazy/stupid.
Yay capitalism!!!
I wonder if he will tone down the awful shit he’s been doing as Governor once he’s no longer running and thus no longer pandering to the MAGA...
Ackman is another one of those billionaire Jewish guys who doesn’t like her because she’s “anti-Semitic.” The plagiarism shit is a red herring.
herp derp
Seems weird all the people who think the economy is in shambles aren’t acting like it with their wallets.
No doubt has more to do with her comments that he sees as anti-semitism than anything to do with plagiarism. She’s got a lot of powerful Jewish...
Again the ethic of reciprocity is the only basis needed for good morality. And it’s in no way unique to any one religion.
I’ll never understand the adoration. He’s such a piece of shit.
lol. I’m gonna go spend some time with my family now. Merry Christmas.
I’ll take “things a boomer would say” for $1,000, Alex.
It’s more just a sign of abject stupidity and a complete lack of understanding of history than a gaffe. But his minions will make every excuse.
Cool story bro. Point remains Biden would absolutely peacefully transfer power. Just like Obama did. Trump is the only shithead that didn’t....
First of all, lmao at your first paragraph. Really drinking the kool aid. Secondly, yes, Biden would absolutely show up to Trump’s...