This one, on the other hand, seems pretty indefensible. A sniper kills two women? Not sure how that happens.
And Mormons.
It’s hard to say. I just think it’s easily possible they walked outside waving something and the IDF soldier felt threatened and shot. Totally...
Just put him on ignore. Dude is not interested in honest discussion.
In what circumstances is it ok to kill animals, Rick?
I’m not sure I’d call Publix a “Mercedes” experience. It’s marginally nicer than say a Kroger but they sell the exact same products. They just...
These are the tenants of satanism if you didn’t click the link: I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in...
Lol and I’m being uncivil. Bless your heart.
You said “are they in the senate?” You were suggesting it by asking the question. Don’t play coy. You’re not fooling anyone. And how am I...
You’re completely pulling that out of your ass. Why would you assume his “daddies” are in the senate? Did he film himself having sex with a senator?
Which part of that should disqualify him from being a senate staffer and why? Because he’s flamboyantly gay?
[img] Let me know when the shutdowns start, bro.
What did he say on Reddit that you think disqualifies him from having a staffer’s security clearance?
for a staffer?
Lol at you white knighting for this piece of shit. Classic.
Link to someone getting 10 years for “trespassing?”
What we know about the killing of 3 Israeli hostages by the IDF | CNN extremely unfortunate. Hard to give them too much grief here though....
You’re correct. It’s the exact same thing.
Herp derp. How are those pneumonia government shutdowns coming along? Can’t wait for the next stupid thing you post.