Once you realize you’re not dealing with serious people or anyone grounded in reality, much of the looniness can be seen as dark, extremely dumb...
Thing looking bleak for Elon Tesla and Twatter are circling the drain CNBC Stock Analyst's Brutal Rant On Elon Musk's Businesses We know that...
The jury is still out. No one thought he’d flex an impotent Napoleon complex either. I bet he tortured animals as a kid. He’s a sick dude.
I think you’re confusing drag shows with gay bars. NTTAWWT
They never think their posts through. The last check “does this post make sense” is not on the checklist
The guy did a lot of crack. He was stupid to begin with and his brain is totally fried. He clings bitterly to his pillow, bible, and conspiracy...
It’s got to be an even more idiotic source. I’m going with Gateway Pundit who’s founder is AKA “ the dumbest man on the internet”.
You could totally out smart her I bet…. LOL
I’m going to go out on a limb and say zero days…
It’s almost as if there’s equal opportunity admission policies for moronic GOP’s at Ivy League schools. No way these bozos get in and graduate by...
If people just ignored me calling them snowflakes we’d both be happy. But no…. They get all whiny. “Snowflake for thee but not for me” No wonder...
Tech recruiters do that all the time..
Same in India, used a broker for a business I ran. Dude was an Indian in HK went by Harry.
No it’s at disgusting shithole with a bitterly divided populace, some who dwell in the gutter due to the leftovers of their caste system. It’s...
No Justice no peace!
Wait wut? I have who ever is posting on ignore but I was told by mods that snowflake is verboten. Our lefty voices are being suppressed “Help...
Fail! No one is putting ALL of this on Gym Jordan, the doctor is primarily to blame but much like the Pedo State assistant coach he is complicit....
This is deeply amusing. DESatan is not a serious person. Evil? Yes. Corrupt no doubt. Dangerous? Not any more, his 15 minutes of Fame are over....
Buh bye
A Reasonable person given the fact set, his persona (bully) find the story is credible driven home by the fact that Jim the Perv called their...