That was Russia. Wait, never mind. Same thing.
You'd cast a vote for President for a rapist? Ever read the accounts of his accusers? Stuff from before he ever ran for President. Cornering...
Bluke doesn't care about 'Murica. He's going with his feels!
There's no spinning that! It's cRaZy!!!!!!
It sounds like you're frustrated. I see what you're saying, and I can tell you're trying to make a point. Honestly, I don’t think it’s about the...
You got negged by Blukenquest for this gem. :)
I understand how my comment might have come across as dismissive, and I’m sorry if it upset you. That definitely wasn’t my intention. Sometimes I...
Oh, man - we should have been nicer to Bluke, all the election deniers, the Putin fluffers, and the people here who lie for Trump. I'm probably...
Dems cheated in the presidential election, but they refrained from cheating in the numerous Senate and House races they lost. It's not clear by now?
waaayyyyy tl; definitely dr
LOL. Are you still comparing that benign comment from Obama to the fact that you are voting for a candidate who knowingly accepted help from...
Extremely sad state when Russian interference in our election doesn't move the needle a single bit. Worse actually - half the electorate is...
People who oppose a traitor who tried to overturn an election are definitely quite displeased about the prospect of his reelection. Others don't...
Your Hitler 2.0 analogy is like a stale, bad cheese that was never any good in the first place. It's a strawman so you can denigrate those that...
"I'm very proud of when I publicly fellated the microphone, and also when I said they were eating the dogs and cats." Reporter: Is there anything...
I'll get my news updates from Truth Social, so that I can buy the new Trump bibles and sneakers using my Trump cryptocurrency. And it will all...
a) We've seen that there's more than probably no "getting through" to these supporters of criminality. b) It's not really "degrading them" to...
There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with holding in contempt the baseless questioning of the integrity of others from a poster who knowingly supports...
LOL. You suggest the astoundingly unlikely possibility that they will do....... ......what traitor Donald Trump already DID. Too funny.