He's my favorite adjudicated sexual assaulter, convicted felon president-elect ever!
Hopefully! Screw Zelensky AND Ukraine- we love Putin and Russia now!
Definitely the greatest political criminal comeback story I can think of!
You sound angry. Why are you angry? You just saw the election of your beloved twice-impeached, lying, serial adulterer, adjudicated and admitted...
^ Try to smile. Life will go on. Yes, the biggest $hit-stain on US history just got bigger, but at least it will be funny (in a cruel and...
Will be fun to see if our first convicted felon President gets sentenced to jail while in office.
You may not have been paying attention and not know, but it's probably not accurate to project that ignorance onto anyone else. Trump recently...
Hoping he makes reference to eating dogs. All those lies are still true, now that he won big, aren't they?
That sure is some good hypothecating, sir! Because I, too, agree that the posters on this board had a huuuuuuge impact on this election!
Will be fun to see what he does doesn't do on illegal immigration. We've got a blueprint though, of course, from his first term. He'll do...
And a very young fake USSC that has clearly demonstrated its overt partisanship and willingness to tolerate partisan criminality. We'll get what...
LOL, hell no. But I knew he'd win. And I said it repeatedly. When our nation even entertained the idea of electing someone who was adjudicated...
This. (And fwiw, I predicted this.) Look at the scumbags that almost won in NC; that Robinson guy is as vile as they come...and got appx 40% of...
Hey, at least that little gnome JD Vance is gonna move out of my neighborhood and stop tying up traffic every time he goes out to lie to the...
Never fails to be interesting how you can remain so incapable of recognizing reality. White supremacists are totally in favor of Trump. And...
I'll never understand it. Besides right-wingers tossing around the word "communism" to describe Democrats. What am I missing, please?
Yup. That's reality. Americans are gross; they see Trump tell outright racist lies about immigrants or FEMA response (they gave all the money to...
Another reason to disband the EC.
You make a good point and case. But it's seemed to me that there is apparently no way to get some ideas into people's heads, to counter false...
I ******* wish I were wrong, but I've been saying this for months.