Everything else was a better option than voting for a traitor- the first and only president who tried to deny the peaceful transfer of power by...
You voted for a guy who very perfectly clearly criminally tried to overturn an election. That's a deal breaker. Un-American. Traitorous. End of...
I agree, sir. And I don't post too much here. But "tolerate" doesn't mean "not speak the truth." Their tolerance of un-American filth is grotesque.
You meant "Real Deplorable America. "
Indeed. I'll never stop being me. I'll never stop holding in contempt a guy we all saw try to illegally overturn an election. And who is clearly...
More accurately: true cut and paste.
You wish that Trump's response after the 2020 election was....better? Would it not be more accurate to say that you wish It wasn't criminal?
Wrong. Very wrong. If you're morally bankrupt enough to vote for a lying sexual predator, convicted felon, who we all saw clearly criminally try...
It's fun to see so many deplorables come out of the woodwork like this is some great validation for them. No, you (and America) are just morally...
That's not really a very witty response. Hey though- you just voted for a convicted felon! One that a jury found had cornered a woman and...
You're cute too, GIF boy. "They're eating the dogs!" "Grab 'em by the ....something!"
LOL, say what ?! Of course I'm calling out the majority of Americans. Christ, a group can't be criticized because they're a majority? What...
That's quite amusing, sir. May i compliment you on your intellect?
The problem is that the electoral block she missed out on wasn't the one that was going to react to documents or cerebral arguments. These are the...
I agree. But IMO it should definitely be pointed out that Trump's powerful message was one of lies, falling on the ears of the ignorant. And...
This is the only one link of yours I opened b/c I wanted to see if KH really said that. It was a YouTube of Donald Trump lying about KH saying...
Could spend a lifetime telling these people the exact same obvious things. What's the point? They're freaking ecstatic about voting as POTUS a...
LOL, it wasn't about policy or platform. None of that, not for a second. The closest it was to anything like that was Trump the Felon...
So they voted for a criminal rapist, who literally tried to overturn an election? OK.....
That's not witty. Stop embarrassing yourself.