Why are you telling us this?
Pretty sure Aileen Cannon, Pennsylvania version, will make sure there's no potential for justice on this. Because Trumpies are all law and order n...
I'm pretty sure we can't point out Trump's affiliation with neo-Nazis, or their affinity for him, otherwise..... ......."You called all Trump...
That one's always totally funny, Bluke. Good one.
This is all that needs to be said. People just actually cast ballots for POTUS for the first person in US history to oppose the peaceful transfer...
Oh, herr de derr, a coloring book. "Clueless beyond repair." You got me good. Too bad you're clueless about the judicial process, such as having...
Wait, what? But any man with a wife or daughters shouldn't care about either voting for admitted and adjudicated sexual assaulter Trump or the...
He's got a concept of a plan on doing this not doing this, because it was just conning dumb voters, just like his first term immigration plans lies.
This. In for the laughs. Wait, it won't actually be too funny when 100s of thousands of people unnecessarily die from Trump's stupidity on...
In this thread expecting to have a trial for a person who is alleged to have committed crimes, and was indicted by a grand jury of citizens...
Entered thread to read about Trumpies being joyful that their convicted felon criminal will avoid further accountability for his obvious crimes....
Have to factor in that Trump is lying about everything. Remember - he had 4 years already. We saw what he did for the average worker; gave tons...
Melania's anchor baby, Barron, says hi.
This. The Trumpy ignorami are going to be telling us it's the greatest economy ever in about 3-4 months. As if Trump had anything to do with...
What a weird post. You pretty much know what convicted felon Trump is going to say also. Can we assume that since he's "biased" you don;t listen...
Wait, what? You call out your own side? Like when they publicly lie to enable the criminality of rioters participating in an attack on our...
Someone doesn't know what voter turnout means. HA! (?) Voter turnout measures the percentage of voters that have actually taken part in the...
We need a thread titled "MAGA tries to re-write reality." Because.... In this thread, serial adultery, sexual assault, and grabbing women's...
Nah. Your alternative facts aren't true just because the country elected your convicted felon, sexual assaulter who also tried to criminally...
Doing 2 minute math; Overall turnout was down about 8-9%? That's a drop of about 6 million voters each. Trump was +12-14 with both Latino and...