Ronald Reagan increased our military spending in the 80s and Russia couldn’t keep up. That and the afghan war led to the fall(I know there were...
Never been a fan of the anti solar anti wind people. It just seems like stupidity writ large. I am a let’s add as much new supply that is very low...
Well the vertical monopolies are keeping gas abnormally high. The refinery margins are triple to quadruple what they historically are. Oil at 80...
Corporations are not alumni. I suspect this is a usable loophole.
I don’t think you can discharge student loan debt thru bankruptcy.
That and the for profit sleazebag schools like trump U need not be eligible for student loans. They will disappear instantly when they can no...
Well I think with military training you would get better trigger control. Too many cops are so scared they pull their gun and discharge before...
I would say armed cops should all have twenty years military experience. I am okay with them qualifying for two great pensions before they hit 60
Not armed. Maybe more community assistance officers.
Higher quality ones absolutely. Pay them more but we have two many cops.
I think we are over policed. Some sort of community assistance unarmed with armed police on standby seems more appropriate. I don’t know how we...
Crime has been on a downward trend for almost 50 years. The book freakonomics argued that taking lead out of the gas was a significant factor. We...
Logic isn’t their strong point. They still think they are going to win in 2024. I imagine without women voting 50 50 it’s gonna be a blood bath.
Killing a pregnant girlfriend seems like about the most innocent possibility here.
That was my thought as well. Someone’s daughter or girlfriend would be my bet. My guess is the message was received.
There is always money in the banana stand.
I wonder if this is real? Or at least exaggerated. Didn’t seem to be a lot of demand for tickets.
I thought reservations had an entirely separate court system.
I think comedians should be given a wide latitude on what they say. Most of the best political commentary comes from comedians. John Stewart and...
I agree with you in principle but I don’t think Tilly or Lacuna are zealots. Just people who believe something that I don’t.