I agree with this. I also think that 2 and 3 are just numbers. I don’t think 3 percent inflation is a bad thing. I also suspect that the fed it...
So he is present for believers? Is faith a kind of delusion?
Kind of an absentee father. lol
This is a rather weak argument. We can measure the effect of the wind. Hear it rustling the leaves.
I suspect that non believers are close to being a plurality.
Sometimes people hire “independent” investigators and tell them what conclusions to reach. It’s a good way to whitewash a bad situation. When it...
Are we in danger of getting this thread transferred to a football forum? lol
I wonder if this is the one time that a judge will grant the pre trial motion for a summary judgement and move right to damages.
He never gave a thumbs up emoji.
I think recruiting has been moving this way for years. Mullen seemed to resist this.
It’s hard to imagine that anyone involved with Jan 6 loved this country or practiced a true Christian faith.
Just wanted it noted that I have only liked and agreed to a couple of posts and have contributed nothing else.
Are we done now at your offensive line or do we have room/take one more?
Sorry I didn’t want to play your game of Biden being too old while adding in that Trump is too old. I did answer earlier that I liked Klobuchar as...
I too liked Haley before she started cow towing to trump. I think her on the ballot with trump would be beneficial to her chances in the...
Well if either Desantis or Trump are the nominee I don’t think it will matter. All people who support democracy and women would vote against those...
I would vote for any republican that acknowledges that there was an attempted coup after the last election that Biden won. And if he supported...
How about replace her with Klobuchar? She seems like a competent but uninspiring person. She is from the Midwest so it might make some states...
I like this judges thinking, not sure I agree with it but I like that he thought of it this way. How do you notorize an emoji though. :devil:
My point is I don’t want anyone looking at me when I take a dump. I just want privacy.