When transgender people try to pass laws that impact other people I will care about them. The rulings by this Supreme Court have made women a...
So the result of the strike is me watching even less television? I didn’t think that was possible.
I am vaguely libertarian. In a society designed by me. Every business would have to post on their front door any people and practices they don’t...
I think that would make you a stupid business person. Painting 10 percent of your Santa’s darker would cost you almost nothing. It would increase...
The law I think in Colorado was that to get a business license you had to agree to be accommodating to all people. So do you not agree with the...
I also hope when we are accepted as the majority that we respect the rights of the deluded more than they respect ours. My guess is we are close...
So some extremists still think slavery should be allowed, do you think they should be able to enslave people because they believe it’s biblically...
No, I suspect they are deluded but I don’t hate them. When a business refuses to do a service because of sexual orientation, what would you call this?
When you mask hate of people who are different than you and call it religious freedom that is just bizarre to me.
Hearing is the ability to translate vibrations into sound. The ear doesn’t better and there is a good argument that can be made that the inner ear...
Exactly this not following a cops lawful orders should be met with additional charges not with a death sentence or hospital visit.
Cops and criminals typically are drawn from the same gene pool(ofcourse there are exceptions) but the number of cops who have a sibling or an...
In retrospect, given where we ended up, I can’t say that he was wrong. Also, somewhere before or after the Iraq war, he was a fan of breaking up...
Hmm. So Shakespeare has a better explanation of a god then the Bible does?
And will anyone see it? Most of the deranged have been ignored.
This is just nonsense. Vibrations are possible to detect without ears. Taste is mainly a function of smell. Faith is not possible to explain...
there are things I haven’t experienced that I understand. Not being able to see visible light does not mean a blind person can not understand it....
Light has very strong and defined meaning. Visible light is a specific wavelength. Infrared is a different wavelength on the spectrum of...
The winter solstice?
So when I was a child I had an imaginary friend. We built forts together. He would ride on the back of my trike and he would tell me funny jokes....