Why pay money for misinformation when you gladly spout it for free.
I so hope this is true.
So they say he is a good manager but he also said he was unaware of the fraud. I don’t think both of those things can be true.
The Bear Bryant way?
There were rumors. Tallahassee city council is a known cesspool.
Could there have been a worse choice than Gillum. He was such a sleaze I think he would sell out the states interest for a drink.
Our founding fathers came from a different time. Few of them would be acceptable to a modern audience. I am currently reading revolutionary...
The coast guard typically sends a bill. I remember reading that somewhere.
Perhaps they are fighting a gentleman’s war. They agree it line up and fight from sunrise to sunset then stop have a drink together at the pub and...
So at noon the names of those who posted bail are going to be released. I have Saudi national and Russian oligarch on my card. Who is on yours?
It seems that this bill was designed to protect established dealers and not create new ones. I have always wondered why buying a car is such a...
Tesla is going to do fine. I am not sure if their bigger eventual market is cars, chargers for cars or massive power packs but they are dominating...
That crap you copy pastad? I put as much thought into as you did.
So I answered your question and you don’t answer mine. Why do I bother?
Only biological xx people can get pregnant with todays technology. I don’t care what they call themselves. Why do you care?