And Gators Can Get The WIN!
"Here We Go Gators Here We Go!"
And LSU #3 is on SECN. He obviously needs a haircut.
#5. Gator Stud, Dalton Guthrie, was just on SECN.
SECN slobbering all over LSU now.
Gator Players on SECN now!
And it will be Tuesday night!
Well, the SECN guys said 20 so I figured it must be so. They wouldn't be wrong, would they? Not possible. :)
Gators 20th One Run Win This Season.
#5. Dalton on SECN now.
FINAL GAME 1. GOOD GUYS GATORS 4. LSU and their ESPN Crew Fans 3.
OK, so now the ESPN crew are fans of both the Officials and LSU.
Come on Gators, Let's GO!
Brady is a Gator stud.
What a surprise. ESPN guys are LSU fans.
Got home just a little bit a go. Looks like there's a lot of smoke around home plate.
End of 3 Gators Up 3. 3-0.
Score please?
All the above. :)
Screw L.S.U. !