McConnell is a good guy in this respect. Even Johnson is fully on board with the sane after getting the proper briefings. Hell, Marjorie Traitor...
We need to make a game out of this. Next verse?
This is the thing, right? Why would you bring that up in a POTUS debate? I think he's being affected by his own bubble. Obviously, they love this...
Go Gators! :emoji_thumbsup:
Trump and Obama knew something like this would happen, but both are political cowards who didn't want that mess on their record. So they didn't do...
And you can't even express a coherent thought. Ah, screw it. Have another shot!!!
Good one. I'm sure the A&M fans are shaking in their boots! I suggest you bring better game -and more alcohol - tomorrow.
Could it have been done better? Yes. Was it always going to end badly? Yes. Am I overjoyed that we're out? ABSOLUTELY! This is why you think...
Oh, good one! Maybe stick to the drunken tailgate insults. It seems to suit you. Things like this are clearly over your head. Just have another...
Transform America into what? Assimilation rates in the US are among the highest in the world, to the point that the 2nd and 3rd generations may...
No, just self serving.
He just waves pom poms and roots. Why would you even engage such a fool on actually serious topics?
The funny thing is. . . HE NEEDS IT! On the flip side, is this some kind of electoral/mental Ju Jitsu? Unless you think he's completely lost his...
Except one side is openly traitorous, working directly against the foreign policy and national security interests of the US. . . and the worst...
And by double digits if (and this is a HUGE if) they were smart enough to nominate Haley. Ironically, she would appeal heavily to I's and even a...
I'm calling BS! That was a proper duel before that 3rd guy jumped in!
Maybe. Maybe not. Here's a scenario. Take a choice. Don't leave and still be stuck there. Leave in a shitshow, but now be free. It certainly...
Not Russian. Just a POS traitor!!!
The problem is really with the government, in this case the Biden administration, taking his bait and then basically complying by trying to...