Yep. This is probably the most realistic and brings the same risks as BN.
The recruiting base thing is a myth. There is ZERO loyalty to any of the Florida schools from Florida kids. Only 6 of the top 20 stayed in state...
Yeah, but the pressure to fire Mullen was intense. I wasn't on board, but 80% of the fanbase was. FWIW, we lost Mullen the summer before when the...
He may be in terms of his process or commitment to process, but he's the farthest thing from Saban when it comes to results. Say what you will,...
It's not the same though. Doesn't have the intense local focus.
It really is. My only complaint would be the usual ones about streaming, the ability to just turn it on and not wait for loading screens. The...
It's in the cloud, but yes, they give you a lot of storage for recording.
And FB, X, etc welcome and encourage it for no other reason than it puts $$$ in their pockets. They'd sell the whole country to the CCP for the...
The key is knowing who they are and where they're coming from and, in a lot of cases, what they're selling. That's one of the first tenants of...
They're pretty upfront about this. They see our openness as a weakness they plan to exploit.
Nah, that's a girl's drink.
Lemming, Lemming, Lemming!!!! Hopefully the traitors get what they've got coming.
What if I had a time machine, a fleet of Star Destroyers and the powers of Darth Vader? Just imagine what we could do. Seriously dude. Mentally...
You mean during the Saudi/Russia price war?
My best guess would be speculators/futures affecting current pricing? IDK, it's a guess. I'm not a finance guy.
FSB (and the CCP equivalent) work FB, X and social media all the time. They're in their threads, stirring the pot. Sometimes even playing "the...
Hey! Let's go with this right off the top!!! Needless to say, MAGA is a drawer full of dull knives.
You eat cats on the run baby 'Cause that's the way like 'em baby But the kitty's don't want you around. I
Sorry if the moral angle is lost on me amid the moron/mockery angle. I would lean into the latter as the former just plays into his line of...
I think most are too stupid - or in a cult-like trance - to even realize they're destroying the country. Do you think Marjorie Traitor Chomsky...