Yeah, but I just don't see it anymore. Seems Georgia is more of a Florida school than any of the Florida schools at this point. The bitter pill...
You go girl!!!
Nah, he's right. It was just a drunken riot. Nothing more. Nothing less. To call it an insurrection would indicate a level of competency and...
You tell 'em Noam Chomsky!!!!
And, apparently, the greatest American of all: Vladimir Putin.
So true dude! The bloodthirsty Democrats have no limits to their Communist/Nazi madness. ONLY YOU can stop it by starting the next revolution!!!!...
Don't forget the Democrats, Never-Trump Republicans and, of course, anyone who isn't solidly on the Trump Train. THEY'RE ALL GUILTY DAMMIT!!!
Oh wow! And straight from the source too. Noctus Draven. So credible!
Big WHO CARES!!! Got any surveys from Kabul or Pyongyang? Those would be almost as enlightening.
Collapsing. LOL! How hard do you think they're trying to hold it. Don't bother. I've had my fill of stupid for the day.
Just don't mess with ISIS-K. Those are my boys!!!
Yeah, they "voted" for a coin flip in OT over a 35-0 shutout. Biggest idiots in the history of electoral politics. . . dating back to antiquity.
Let me guess. NATO's fault? That damn US Hegemony!!!! The singular cause of all the world's ills. If only we had someone like Putin to save us!...
Or at least a Midol.
Uh, I think we all know the answer to this. It is interesting how desperate he's getting and how far he's willing to reach.
Okay, but it's basically 20 years and counting on this, and we're still waiting. Another myth is that if one is good and the others are bad that...
Thing is, it kinda set up perfect for him at Texas too. I think he would have had to wait a year or two then replace Chris Simms.
I remember when Shane was a 4th stringer and when I thought the Kyle Morris led Gators were the worst I'd ever seen. But at least those teams were...
Who said it wasn't?
Brantley signed with Florida. He was a Texas commit at one point. That situation felt forced, like he was recruited solely because he was a legacy...