That sound you hear is their brains breaking. Something tells me we won't be getting an answer to this anytime soon either. My guess is they'll...
No thanks. Based on what I'm seeing, the odds are pretty good this happens.
Nope. Thinking perfectly clear here. Time to put the rabble-rousing scum down. Perfect scenario would have far left and MAGA fighting in the...
A ton of it for you traitors. I'll leave it at that. Take it for what it's worth. That wasn't hyperbole. I actually hope that happens.
We're never getting this answer. It requires actual thought, which they're incapable of.
I think the issue would be how to get from A (person who might have Y chromosome) to B (testing for that). "She looks like a man" isn't going to...
True. But it was dealt with. So, what are we crying about again?
It's absolutely and EXACTLY the same. The ONLY DIFFERENCE is that Phelps is the best ever and Thomas was just a top-1% male swimmer. Either way,...
Spot on. Why I'm rooting for a MAGA revolution and a Napoleon-style (bellies full of grapeshot) crackdown!!!
So get your SIMPLE FACTS right. It's not very hard. . . If you bother to try.
I hate stupidity. I also hate mindless grifters. Take that however you want.
Fair point. The NCAA bowed, but FINA looked at the results (Thomas dominating World Class women) and made it right. And did so very quickly. Sorry...
So, no men should compete in the Olympics? Hmm. Odd take to be sure.
That's what Thomas did. And all one had to do was look at the difference in times to see that she would have a massive advantage against women. In...
Stop. They have a hard enough time grasping even the simplest of concepts. Don't waste your time.
STFU. Riley had ZERO to do with it. FINA obviously monitors the NCAA's given how many Olympians will be in the field and the results were...
I don't know what the motive was, but the result is patently unfair. Given that Thomas had been involved heavily in swimming culture since age 5,...
Yeah, because the evidence is right there in front of you. If Michael Phelps decides he identifies as a woman, do we let him get in the pool and...
So AGAIN. What's your solution? All athletes have to pass hormone tests prior to approval for competition? Sorry, but "she looks like a man" isn't...
Dude, Thomas was an accomplished male swimmer on a full ride at Penn. Wikipedia page says he swam the 6th fastest time in the nation in one event...