As Ukraine counterattacks, Russia’s military facing steep artillery, resupply challenges - Breaking Defense Resupply is a huge issue for Russia... Glad that the MSM is finally starting to...
it was already shut off I thought
What hammer? I mean.. at this point in the struggle, both sides have worn themselves down so much the hammer will actually be... the russian...
Why would the US offer to investigate a euro/russian pipeline in the baltic sea?
But every source I’ve read indicates Russia is on the defensive, and although they are for the first time inflicting more damage on the enemy...
Support for the war is still pretty high in Russia I read an interesting paper about it. But the length of the conflict and the recent set backs...
first of all lol. Second of all things seem to not be going as planned since that July post. I guess the Russians have suffered 70-80 thousand...
Ok I’ll stop. All non info to another thread!
Ok so I read your guy and his evidence supporting his view. I’ve also scoured the first couple pages of the internet for more information on these...
based on what I just read I feel like your guy would say making assumptions like that might be a mistake
Stop being lazy and actually write out your argument. I’ll read the linked piece but I want YOUR interpretation.
well lay out your case good sir as to how vlad is the good guy.
lol have you?
Uh well ok. About what? How is Russia right here? And how is the us wrong please share with us your valued insight into this cruel and unfair...
lol if you believe that is truth I have ocean front property in Arizona for sale you just gotta check out.
And Russia is invading Ukraine. Hence the thread topic. Stay on topic?
I can’t remember, what happened to the Soviet Union?
Shill out dude. Us ain’t invading anyone this week. Maybe we should focus on… idk… the country doing the invading?
Note it only took ukraine 16 himars to basically turn the tide in the war. The us has 500 and more are coming. Lol. Imagine what 100 of the damn...