Middle school, you don't seem to understand what the word 'lie' means. When someone expresses an opinion that you don't agree with, that doesn't...
Yeah it's all the same, but now it's just leftism in general. DeSantis just said that he would destroy leftism in this country if he becomes...
Well look at the 7 who disagreed and it makes more sense. That's the DeSantis fan club here.
Man I'm so glad I sold my condo in Florida a few months ago.
Both DeSantis and Trump are racists, so the question should be which one is more racist.
Sure thing, middle school. I know it's really really important for you to feel like you've won every argument, so I'm gonna let you have this one.
The funny thing is he says he's only been carrying one since he was 15. I was tromping around the woods with a pocket knife when I was 8.
LOL. No, dumb troll threads don't threaten me. And if you were genuinely curious, you wouldn't have assumed that "very few of the regulars on...
Because that was the point of this troll thread.
Yeah, it's just kind of funny because exactly what is supposed to happen is happening (if we want to get inflation back down to the 2% range)....
Hmm. Maybe Macy's and Costco should consider reducing prices if demand for what they sell is going down.
Too funny. You found a couple of lukewarm criticisms of Trump that DeSantis lodged. But you may be right. Out of desperation, you boy is...
Story in the WaPo about teachers in Hernando County. I love this quote: Meanwhile, Alyssa Marano, a math teacher who has resigned, rejected the...
If by 'everyone' you mean one middle-school-aged boy, you are correct. Other than you, I don't see any disagreement with what I said. Instead I...
Middle school.
The arrogance of ignorance. Ignorant people (like Trump for example) often think they know everything there is to know. On the flip side,...
What's funny is this stuff from Trump has been going on for 6 years, but now that it's DeSantis he's doing it to people are getting upset.
You say the dumbest stuff. Sometimes all you can do is fling it back at you. With you it's like middle school all over again.
DeSantis locked Florida down for 2 and a half months. When Florida reopened in early June 2020 covid cases exploded.
LOL, I get it, you got called out for making stuff up. Just say my bad and move on. Most will think better of you if you don't go around making...