He's half right.
Wow. So now I have to explain to you that answering the question 'is Ron DeSantis racist?' with 'yes' and saying 'Ron DeSantis is a racist' mean...
That's just psychotic.
Or maybe they should make you say "that poster is a liar but I have no idea what the verb 'to lie' means". The question in this thread's title is...
Agreed. I did block him a while back because he was stalking me. He'd seek out my posts that had nothing to do with him or anything he'd posted...
Sure, but that's not what you want.
This must really suck for you. Hang in there, you'll eventually get that recession you're hoping for.
And every time he opens his mouth Americans are going to hear his squeaky little voice saying 'blah blah woke blah blah blah woke blah woke woke...
No, you're going to have a wait a little longer to get the creepy Gilead-like paradise you're hoping for.
You're truly a nasty person. And I'm still down in Florida just as much as I was, I just don't have a condo I have to pay ever-increasing...
Man that's creepy as hell.
Damn. I thought we were making progress. Opinions don't require 'proof', son. If they did, they wouldn't be opinions, they'd be facts. And...
We might just be making some progress here in getting you to understand the difference between an opinion and a lie. If you find someone's...
LOL. That's what I figured you'd say. You think books like Slaughterhouse 5, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Bluest Eye, and When Wilma Rudolph...
Yeah, in the last 50 years the country has added far more jobs under Dem presidents than under Repub presidents. It's not even close.
So what are some of the books that have been banned in states run by Democrats?
I my opinion, Ron DeSantis is a racist. Ask your dad to help you understand what an 'opinion' is.
I know middle school is such a confusing time. Maybe you should ask your dad to help you understand the difference between an opinion and a lie.
Well some of these guys think that as long as you're not marching around in hoods and burning crosses, you're not racist.
It's ironic that you are lying in calling me a liar. Either that or you don't understand the difference between opinions and facts. I'm going...