I'm not the one blaming it on Black people, O&B was (through the proxy of calling them Dems). And I'm sure there was some mismanagement involved,...
That's because all the conservative White racists left the city, leaving Blacks (who as we know tend to be Democrats) as the large majority. The...
Do you call trans women 'he' in person?
Does it matter? If it's on the city and the city screwed it up then the state should step in and fix it. It's the freaking capital of the state....
Why would you refer to her as 'he'?
Fortunately I don't live there. Still it's sad to see what people like you are doing to the state.
Florida voters will have a chance to reverse this nonsense. If they don't, they'll deserve what's coming to them.
Well now you know. Public schools are indoctrination centers. Weird unaccredited private Christian schools are not.
Get ready for some tortured reasoning.
Since Mississippi won't do it, the federal government is spending hundreds of millions to fix Jackson's water system. Let's just hope the money...
This is a very reasonable solution, which is why there's no way DeSantis would choose it.
Maybe you should tell this to DeSantis since he is the one who used the word 'destroy'.
DeSantis's stated goal is to destroy leftism. Everything he does is in pursuit of that goal.
There are a lot of really bad unaccredited private schools in Florida. And there are a lot of bad parents who sending their kids to these...
Do you disagree with the statement?
In many cases that is true.
Yep, it's just the public/private divide. Some folks want everything to be privatized. It's a very similar issue to healthcare except with...
Thanks. So the dots represent Clinton/Trump/other voters from 2016.
He's going to take a combined 1% away from all the non-Trump candidates.
Absolutely. Send everyone in the state of Florida $8k per year.