It is an opportunity to set a tone. Yes it is important. Home opener versus an in state rival. That said, no need to say the season is over if we...
very diagnostic
I wonder how many times he was told to go get the prop wash.
So when does the gop introduce legislation to force a party to keep their presumptive nominee no matter what? ( they drop out... too bad.. They...
Sharpies at the ready
That, and if others discuss his bullshit they somehow have TDS.
Racist dog whistle crap on Obama and Harris, not real americans, " they are other", Obama is muslim. Anything to stigmatize them and scare their...
declare yourself the winner and threaten to throw your opponents in jail like a real American would do. maga maga maga
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Trading out some total scumbags to get our peeps back versus " why aren't trying harder to get our people...
So is the next step a genetic test with a breakdown of all the genetic background of everone concerned? We are all mutts when you get down to it....
exhibit a: there is literally nothing he could do or say to lose your vote. I'm sure he appreciates your undying loyalty. If you haven't done so...
He won't lose any of his supporters for that.
not a bug, but a feature
try again, your orange hero owns that
no worries, he can get his ass kissed and his ego stroked on OAN, Breitbart, or Fox. pooorrr babyyyyyyy
being a woman of color with a D after her name
He won't drop out. It's his ticket to immunity.
birtherism bullshit again? get some new material gop
talking point # 1: it's the fault of the interviewers for asking " nasty and mean questions". We'll get more talking points after Hannity airs....
The gop doesn't want to fix it, they just want to bitch about it and rile people up.