Wow, what a rousing success pootie pie's two week adventure into Ukraine has been. They were welcomed to the streets of Kyiv with roses and vodka...
So when do the re education camps open? The soviets used to classify anyone who challenged the party as being mentally ill. Is that a rabbit hole...
You win the internet today.
You mean Vlad isn't trying to bait Ukraine into marching on Moscow? All part of the plan, right russophiles?
I'm sure he will go back to barking about fiscal responsibility after this. The hypocrisy is a large part of the blowback.
of all the planes he could have access to......
Never say never, but unless a foreign army was about to sack Moscow I don't see them being that stupid. That said, I wouldn't put it past Pootie...
Then there is that time tested Russian strategy of waiting for winter.
Daring to disagree with his bullshit makes you an extremist.
They either openly support this kind of crap or look the other way, which is just as bad.
So the zero sum game of an endless death spiral where either the palestinians are exterminated or where Israel is erased. Take your pick. There...
Open season on Hamas leadership. Go for it. Better than killing kids in hospitals.
maga will blame it on the deep state
military targets are one thing, taking out civilians is not a good look. Especially when you consider the history. I truly hope that Netanyahu is...
Not a good look to go final solutiony
Yep, I'd be interested in quotes from dem leaders encouraging violence and destruction.
Sad for them and for their families and friends.
DNC Releases 2024 Party Platform Draft, Outlining Historic Record and Bold Agenda for President Biden and Vice President Harris to Finish the Job...
Orange guy makes Nixon look like a boy scout.
As others have said, we don't know what Ukraine's end game is on the incursion into Russia. I suppose they would seek to inflict as much damage...