it's like some kind of bizarro accordion with that hand motion. Imagine actual accordion music or perhaps just some fart noises.....
No worries, his worshippers will be along in a few hours after they collect their talking points.
Two separate topics: the D's changing candidates is one. The other topic is the orange god being chicken shit to debate her.
So what? As of now the race is Trump vs Harris. Put up or shut up for the big talking orange guy. Biden dropped out, get over it.
Good times. If the ME erupts, get ready for $10 gas. If a true WWIII erupts that $10 gas will be the least of our problems. (shooting your...
Simple, he told his ass kissing sycophants in the US House to kill it. So they did. Next....
So what exactly are the D's supposed to do if their original candidate is not available? There is not enough time to have another round of...
He's still chicken shit for dodging a debate with her.
,,, and predictably the apologists come out of the woodwork to defend their orange god at all costs.
If he gets flustered, he will resort to even more insults. Even if he slips and called Harris the N word, he won't lose any of his supporters.
So not pro life, just pro birth.
Chicken shit
If the ME wants to slaughter each other, let 'em. Problem is the rest of the world won't or can't stay out of it. But yes, let's self destruct...
Yep, they'll get called a radical America hating communist. Regardless of their actual policy positions.
To hell with that the majority of Americans want, our masters know what is best for us. Praise be.
or balconies
Not going to happen. The gop has it right where it wants it.