Its a valid point, but don’t we have the same threat running in the other direction potentially gutting first amendment protections?
This is a tough one because there’s a real chance that the civil rights laws clash with the first amendment here, so either way we’d have a...
I think there are definite similarities here, Tilly, but I also take @mrhansduck’s point that the baker case includes competing individual...
Perhaps, but who should decide this? Should DeSantis close Florida 7-Elevens because he doesn’t like slurpees? One of the great things about the...
Placing more importance on guns than the lives of children is a slightly different claim, but it still implies that there are no positive impacts...
I know it’s easy for our political differences to deeply feel the evils of the other side, but I don't think anyone believes it’s okay to murder...
Looks like the Forward Party is not running a presidential candidate. Forward Party – Not Left. Not Right. FORWARD. I think this is an...
It’s pretty funny how we view the limits of old people …until we become them.
Well said. The one thing that seems most clear to me about the constitution is that is meant to protect people from being forced to take on the...
That ranking definitely feels off, but the FPI is an algorithm, so it is based on the predetermined inputs and puts no value on the size of fan bases.
DeSantis: “You don't need a permission slip from the government to exercise constitutional rights.” Disney: “That’s great, because we wanted to...
Oh dang, I missed this thread back then. My wife and I would have joined you guys (if you made it).
His behavior is certainly consistent with this motivation. That said, ambition shouldn’t be automatically disqualifying. Even Abraham Lincoln...
I personally do not agree with the death penalty either, but executions have been a part of so many different kinds of human societies that I’m...
When a Republican says “That Democrats want open borders shows that they don’t care at all about the lives of innocent Americans”, it isn’t tough...
Well perhaps we disagree, but it may just be a matter of definitions. If we define anyone who supports a law that makes it more likely for an...
Regardless, I don’t think your claim is demonstrated by DeSantis’ action. Similarly, another poster today said that the fact that some Democrats...
I think this goes too far. It seems to me that DeSantis simply believes that his judgement is superior to that of the consensus of a jury, so this...
At the very least, he seems to exhibit a continual confidence that his beliefs are so justified and righteous that they are fit to be inscribed...
There is clearly already a lot going on in this thread, but this seems worth discussion. DeSantis is lowering the requirements for the death...