The thread has gone a bit sideways perhaps, but I want to endorse this post 1) as being awesome and 2) as also representing my feelings about the...
Indeed, anytime there exists a collectively owned commons, few decisions will meet universal approval. I much prefer your solution of having local...
It seems to me that maximum choice is always desired, so our best option would be parent choice, followed by local school district choice. Pushing...
I like both of these points: There is a variety of media products that can be purchased, and having different media outlets vary from one another...
Appreciate the info. I would hope that this move would have been unlawful even before Citizens.
I think people are complaining because they perceive a poor product and believe that they have the ability to improve it. The problem is of course...
Certainly, but there were already different collections of books in those different libraries before these books were removed, so if the goal was...
I don’t think this gets us very far because many believe that capitalism is our best path toward these ends. You might suggest that they have been...
It is ironic. My conservative friends have been bashing Citizens United for the past week. So much so that there is now talk of us reading that...
This is why Disney’s suit should be a slam dunk.
I think most of us would agree with your factual account here, but there are also values laden in your description, eg that media is exploiting...
This explanation seems plausible to me (and in fact makes me want to revisit a subscription to HBO), but it still makes me question the...
If we accept all of your claims, perhaps it would be better to outlaw ads on shows deemed to be news (though I can’t see how this could be carried...
Ignoring whatever is the significant difference between banning a book and removing it from a library, if only inappropriate books are being...
Im not sure this is the right way to look at it. If we accept your claim that the profit motive leads to divisive news, this raises at least two...
I think part of this paradox arises from the blind spot bias, which is a bias about how biased we are. Eg a study of 600+ people found 85% said...
Its thought for me to separate rhetoric from what is “really” happening as I don’t have much of a window into this latter situation. Certainly,...
What is the proper role of a media outlet in regulating its own content is an interesting area for analysis. On the one hand, it’s tempting to go...
I believe there was a time at least as recent as the 80s when Republicans were pro-immigration and the Democrats fought immigration to protect...
Same for me, though Short is involved in one of my all time favorite movie gags. [IMG] [IMG]